Generic Visitor Passes


Generic Visitor Passes

Our visitor pass system reduces unauthorised access to a work place and easily identifies authorised visitors on-site by using a which is torn off and worn as a badge.

  visitor and contractor pass(2)  

Compared with other generic passes these are ideal for business who wish to have increased security and safety for their visitors. on arrival the customer need to enter in all their details and information which includes, 

  • Date
  • Visitors Name
  • Host name
  • Visitors Co
  • Vehicle Registration 
  • and Signature

These features are advantaous because it enbles the company to keep track of visitors, identlfy who they are if any problems arise and the pass can not be used again on a different occasion because the date is specified. Another feature is the health and safety on the right side; these details are set out to inform the person to your reguirements for them being on site and will evidently makes then safer and the business inkeeping with health and safety laws. Also because the visitor has signed the pass they have offical agreed to your terms that are specified on the pass. 


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